
Firm Targets Smokers With Ashtray Advertising

Smokers may increasingly get a dose of marketing with their next tobacco fix, that is, if one Prague-based firm has anything to say about it.

Based on an idea that grew popular in London following an indoor smoking ban, agency Media Republic s.r.o. has launched a series of public ashtrays that offer small spots for advertisers. As part of a joint holding with the UK-based firm S-E Holdings Limited, the Czech Bin venture has launched nearly 2,000 such ashtrays throughout Prague.

While the London smoking ban saw smokers increasingly forced to congregate outdoors, and thus created a ready-made audience for advertisers, the amended Prague business model also targets places where people are most likely to gather.

"Contrary to the UK, we also managed to get ashtrays at public transport stops, where the most littering with cigarette butts happens," said Robert Nehasil, business development director for Czech Bin. "We plan to expand to cities such as Brno, Plzeň, Karlovy Vary.

In addition to tram and bus stops, the advertising ashtrays dot the city occasionally popping up on the sides of buildings, on standalone posts in parks or outside shopping malls and hospitals. Prices for advertisers are dependent on the number of ads a client buys and how long they plan to run a campaign. A single ashtray ad costs 690 Kč, a price that drops to 350 Kč monthly for a client that orders 301 or more advertisements. There are discounts for those who sign contracts for longer periods of time.

According to the company, some 90 percent of ashtrays already have advertisers, and the firm intentionally reserves the other 10 percent to promote their own product. All three government coalition parties - the Civic Democrats, TOP 09 and Public Affairs - are among the group's clients, alongside the Prague 5 municipality, businesses like the Bulldog Pub and Ara Shoes, and a pair of law firms.

Czech Bin touts itself as a pro-environment project, and says it empties and cares for the ash trays, with the exception of ones on public land. Czech Bin anticipates more than doubling its number of ashtrays in the Czech Republic to some 5,000 and is looking to expand elsewhere in Europe, according to Nehasil.

reported by: Susan shen
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